
Smartphone Tracking Services Available on Android, Blackberry Handsets - wheelerrone1950

Apple hasn't trapped the market on a feature film that allows you to find your smartphone if information technology's been lost or stolen — Android and Blackberry handsets, as asymptomatic as another devices, can pull off the trick, likewise.

Several carriers offer services that are similar to the popular "Find My iPhone" app. They dismiss help you track your device if a thief took information technology or locate your device if you dropped IT between the cushions on your sofa.

Here's a rundown of what's in stock for consumers.


Its Total Equipment Protection app is available for customers who pay $8 a calendar month, per line of service, for speech sound insurance policy.

You can use it to locate your lost or stolen phone, profound an alarm on the missing device, lock the gimmick and wipe out, sync, manage and restore contacts. The app whole kit and caboodle on many Android, Blackberry bush and non-smartphone devices. To see which ones, visit Sprint's Add up Equipment Protection page and click happening Incur Started>>Supported Devices.


Mobile Convalescence is an extra benefit for Verizon customers paying $7 a month a line for phone insurance, a.k.a. Total Equipment Insurance coverage. You bathroom see a optic history of where your ring has been, and get directions to its location, sound an alarm to uncovering it when you'atomic number 75 within hearing range (and this works even off if the phone is on silent or vibrate).

Mobile Convalescence also lets you remotely curl your phone and wipe away your contacts. It works on many phones, including Windows Mobile, Palm devices and some non-smartphones.


The FamilyMap app costs $10 a month to site ii phones surgery $15 a calendar month to line up busy five of them. You can see a map that shows the user's location and landmarks you define, such as your child's school, Parks, or their ally's house.

You terminate also agenda and receive text and e-chain mail alerts. For instance, you could set back it up to experience a school tex message at 3:30 p.m. every daytime to stimulate sure your child arrived location from civilis.


FamilyWhere is getable in two flavors — Check In and Locate. Check In is free and works past lease the phone user text message his or her location to whatsoever cellphone on some network.

Locate is a subscription service for $10 a month that lets you monitor busy ten mobile devices within the app Beaver State using a web browser. The Locate overhaul, which is free for the first 30 days, likewise lets you schedule automatic location checks and set out notifications away text or e-postal service.

While all these phone tracking tools are cool, they aren't your only options.

PCWorld has reviewed other iPhone trailing apps that do things like ginger snap a pic of the individual using the device. And there are even Android apps such as Telephone Control by LauCass that have you covertly track every last sorts of activities from someone else's phone. In plus to tracking location, it volition cheeky to an administrator (or spy, contingent on if the person with the phone being half-tracked knows the app is installed) text messages, phone call notifications and photos or videos expropriated by the monitored earpiece.

And, having these apps at the ready offers really benefits.

One example: According to The Parvenue York Multiplication, a cashier had been taking a break near the entrance of a Manhattan handbag shop and watching videos on YouTube when a gentleman's gentleman came into the shop, pointed a gun at her, grabbed her iPhone and fled. An officeholder pulled out his iPhone, opened the "Find My iPhone" app, punched in the victim's Apple ID and apace saw on a digital map that the robber was single blocks gone. The officer pushed the "Play Sound" button connected his phone and listened to see where the sound came from — in this case from the right air-sleeve of a serviceman standing 20 feet away.

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