
What Does The Bible Say About Dominion Over Animals

What Does the Bible Say about Caring for Animals?

Our nine-calendar month-quondam standard poodle showed me what "sick as a canis familiaris" means. I called my husband to give the vet's study. "Max volition dice if we don't exercise surgery."

"A righteous man is kind to his beast. Exercise the surgery," he said.

When I said "I practice" to Larry, I couldn't have foreseen all the times his character would touch on my life—even to how we care for our pets. Proverbs 12:10 says, "The righteous care for the needs of their animals, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel." Kindness to animals is godly. In fact, caring for them is part of our purpose.

"So God said, 'Permit usa make mankind in our image, in our likeness, then that they may dominion over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wildlife, and over all the creatures that move along the ground'" (Gen. 1:26).

God fabricated united states in His image "so" that we might accept care of the animals. Could it be that as prototype bearers nosotros most reflect God when we tend His creatures? Adam, the first man, spent his kickoff day on earth working with God naming the animals.

"Now the Lord God had formed out of the basis all the wild animals and all the birds in the sky. He brought them to the man to come across what he would proper noun them; and whatever the human called each living creature, that was its name. And then the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds in the heaven and all the wild animals" (Gen. 2:19-xx).

Imagine how fun it was for God to innovate Adam to the various members of His creation. I'k sure they shared lots of laughs equally Adam came upwards with names. "Permit's telephone call the one with the funny nose a 'rhinoceros.'"

Photo credit: ©Getty Images/Eva Blanco

What Does the Bible Say about Caring for Animals?

God'southward Intendance for Animals Shows His Honey for The states

We care for our animals the way God cares for us and for them. His care is recorded throughout Scripture.

"You, Lord, preserve both people and animals" (Ps. 36:six).

The rainbow is God's hope to both humans and animals that He'll never destroy the earth past inundation over again. 1 reason God relented from destroying wicked Nineveh was to save the animals.

"And should I not have concern for the dandy metropolis of Nineveh, in which in that location are more than a hundred and twenty thousand people who cannot tell their correct paw from their left—and also many animals?" (Jonah 4:11).

God points to His intendance of wild birds to remind the states nosotros tin can trust Him to treat our needs.

"Therefore I tell you, do not worry nearly your life, what y'all volition eat or potable; or about your trunk, what y'all will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than than clothes? Await at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and all the same your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more than valuable than they?" (Matt. 6:25-26).

How Should We Treat Animals?

Caring for our animals has taught me much about God'south love and care for me. Does the Bible tell us how to intendance for our animals? The psalmist described the Lord every bit his shepherd. Allow'due south look at the example the Lord models in Psalm 23.

"The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.
He makes me lie downwardly in green pastures,
he leads me abreast quiet waters" (Ps. 23:i-2).

The Lord anticipates our needs and provides for them. He supplied food for Adam, Eve, and the animals before He created them. Pet owners and those who intendance for wildlife need to provide consistent treat the animals that rely on them. If we start feeding wild birds, we shouldn't stop during water ice storms. They've learned to depend on us.

Our animals need clean water and proper nutrition. They look to us to supply these. It is hard to resist a playful kitten or cuddly puppy. But we must consider the long-term commitment of caring for a pet before we bring that baby creature home or start to put out birdseed. And we must not delegate a pet's well-being to a child that is too young to shoulder that responsibility.

Photograph credit: ©Getty Images/Mahiruysal

What Does the Bible Say about Caring for Animals?

We Care for Their Emotional Needs

"He refreshes my soul" (Ps. 23:iii).

Our assortment of pets has included such animals as Chinese Fighting fish, a Rhode Island Ruby-red chicken, a white duck, a guinea pig, and diverse cats and dogs. Each one has displayed a unique personality. Animals don't accept spirits like humans, simply they have souls. They display affection, grief, joy, jealousy, fearfulness, pride, and playfulness. They've moped or withdrawn when they felt left out. And danced when they've been included in something they enjoyed.

Our craven and duck learned they could get cheerios by scratching at a neighbor'due south screen door. The chicken would run to greet my husband when she heard his car make it dwelling house from piece of work. He'd pick her up and gently toss her in the air. She loved information technology.

When Jordan, the duck, was a duckling, she followed our son around like he was her female parent. We tried to release her at a friend'south pond after she'd grown up, but she wouldn't leave united states of america. So we brought her back habitation to her kiddy puddle.

When my husband was in seminary, we rented a firm with indoor/outdoor carpet. At night I'd sit on the dining room floor and let our guinea grunter run through the dining chair legs. He'd circle circular and stop in front of me to be certain I was watching. His contented squeaks and stops before me allow me know he enjoyed the play and interaction with me.

Our Chinese Fighting fish would swim to the surface of his small fishbowl to accept his back scratched by our true cat'south sandpapery tongue when he lapped water. Max, our male person standard poodle, pranced and whimpered in joy when we brought dwelling a new puppy. Vii years after when she died, grief threw him into a wellness crisis.

Nosotros care for our animals when nosotros acknowledge their emotional needs. Their little souls need play, love, comfort, and attention just similar we do. Some animals, similar our standard poodles, likewise require exercise and intellectual stimulation.

Photo credit: ©Getty Images/FamVeld

What Does the Bible Say about Caring for Animals?

We Protect Them from Harm

"He guides me forth the right paths for his proper noun's sake" (Ps. 23:3).

Jesus taught the states to pray, "And lead us non into temptation, but evangelize us from the evil one" (Matt. 6:13). That prayer reminds us we need His help to navigate safely through this world. Our animals need guidance and protection likewise.

Some human foods like dark chocolate and grapes are toxic for dogs and cats. It'southward our chore to keep them out of their reach. Some animals have coats that crave grooming, or they volition mat or cake their vision. Those who live by busy streets need a physical or invisible fence to protect their animals.

"Fifty-fifty though I walk through the darkest valley,
I will fearfulness no evil, for you are with me;
your rod and your staff, they comfort me" (Ps. 23:4).

The company of the Lord is a great condolement when nosotros feel afraid. Our presence and rules can condolement our pets as well. They feel secure when they know nosotros're in charge.

Ane of our dogs was afraid of thunderstorms. Another one feared loud vacuum cleaners when he was a puppy. We recognized their stress and comforted them with our closeness.

"Y'all set a table before me in the presence of my enemies.
Yous bless my head with oil; my cup overflows" (Ps. 23:v).

Only as a expert shepherd tends the wounds, insect bites, and illnesses of his sheep, we must provide protection and treat our animals when they suffer. Ane of our dogs has two autoimmune diseases. This means we must requite him a monthly shot and a daily dose of prednisone. We use essential oils in the summer to ward off insects.

Photograph credit: ©Getty Images/AnnaStills

What Does the Bible Say about Caring for Animals?

We Enjoy Them

Our animals' needs provide opportunities to collaborate with them and build special bonds. In our family we have different roles. Our girl does the evening walk. My husband does a forenoon walk. I feed them. My son throws the ball when he gets home. They look forward to their special times with each of us.

"Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever" (Ps. 23:5).

When we invest in our animals, they give back to us. Each pet brings out a unlike aspect in us.

Two weeks after we lost our seven-year-sometime female domestic dog last year, my hubby said, "Nosotros need a new spirit in this business firm. Let'due south look at puppies."

God provided a joy boy for us. He was non Cosette, but he brought a different kind of joy to our dwelling house.

My friend lost her son in a tragic car wreck. In that location were days she couldn't move. And yet her puppy would make her express mirth, even when she didn't desire to. That dog became therapy for her and helped her go far through the beginning thirteen years after her son's death.

Our animals are gifts from God. Mine have shown me how to amend trust God by how they trust me. In caring for them I've come up to appreciate how much God cares for me. It brings me joy to see them happy. That reminds me that I bring God joy when I bask all He does for me. When they appreciate my intendance, I want to let my Shepherd know how much I appreciate Him.

How practice we care for our animals? Find how your heavenly Father cares for you and pass it on.

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Photo credit: ©Getty Images/fizkes

Drawing from her walk with Christ, and decades as a Christian counselor, motorbus, and Bible teacher, Debbie W. Wilson helps women give themselves a break and so they can enjoy the fruitful and satisfying life found just in God's grace. She is the honor winning writer of Little Women, Large God, Give Yourself a Suspension, and Piddling Organized religion, Big God. She and her married man Larry founded and run Lighthouse Ministries , a nonprofit counseling, coaching, and Bible study ministry. She is an AWSA (Advanced Writers and Speakers Association) certified speaking and writing coach. Debbie enjoys a skilful mystery, dark chocolate, and the antics of her two standard poodles. Refresh your faith with gratuitous resources at .


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